Social Habits That Drive People Nuts

 A thread on AskReddit has people revealing theirs by asking, “What’s a social habit everyone seems to accept but you find really annoying?” More than 8-thousand responses have come in so far and these are some of the best.

  • "Not everything has to be filmed."
  • "People congregating in doorways — particularly when there is plenty of non-doorway space available."
  • "Coming in for work when you’re sick. Stay the f*** home 💕."
  • "Kids blasting whatever TV show on their iPads in the middle of a restaurant while I’m trying to eat. The kids can watch whatever, but somebody teach them to use headphones."
  • "People who stop in the middle of a busy walkway to check their phones. It's like they think they've hit pause on the world."
  • "At the airport, people who stand blocking the baggage carousel as if they are the only ones that need to get their bags."
  • "Tipping everywhere! I don't mind tipping the server who serves me, but I hate the guilt trap of tipping the person who pours my black coffee into a cup."
  • "Being late every time."
  • "Filming at a concert. Nothing looks dumber than when you're standing still, cell phone in the air, trying to hold it steady while filming the band/singer. I'm sorry, but when you watch that later you know it's going to be garbage. Concerts are special moments that are not to be repeated. Just stay in the GD moment and put your phone down."
  • "Being expected to be constantly available via social media, chat, text, and call at any and all hours. If you try to 'opt-out,' it’s seen as weird or antisocial."
  • "Bringing your f-ing dog everywhere, including in stores!!! And I freaking love dogs, but come on. Don’t just assume they can come to social gatherings."
  • "Shaking hands. No, Brad, I don’t want to touch your germ-covered booger pickers, I saw you leave the bathroom without washing. Best part of Covid was everyone being germ-aware…"
Cheerful businessman leaving cafe and smiling

Photo: Comeback Images / iStock / Getty Images

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