55th Wedding Anniversary Saved By Off Duty Nurses

Bonnie and Daniel Greco of Lake Grove, Long Island, were heading out to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. While at an ATM in Melville, Daniel experienced a massive heart attack. The bank security cameras show him standing at the atm in the lobby and simply fall backwards. He was completely out before he hit the ground. A women was walking by turns and runs for help. Thankfully there were 3 nurses there who rushed over to give him CPR and one found a defibrillator at the bank. They saved his life as he would have been gone by the time the paramedics arrived.

At Plainview hospital doctors performed heart surgery and say Daniel is now strong as a horse. Dr. Lawrence Ong, an interventional cardiologist at Plainview Hospital said "He can live many more years now that we've cleared those blockages"

Bonnie Greco, Daniel's wife, is thankful he went into cardiac arrest when he did even though it ruined their 55th wedding anniversary.

"Like I said, I believe in God. God knew where to put them that day".

Photo: serts / iStock / Getty Images

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