Which Bathroom Should Girl Dads Use Sparks Surprising Debate

I genuinely thought this was already handled but apparently it's a debate.

 If a dad of a little girl needs to help her use a public bathroom and the bathrooms are gendered, which one does he take her into?

TikToker DJ Drewski recently posted a video while he was at Disney World with his brother, who also has a daughter. “As a girl dad, I bring my daughter into the men’s room, of course, into a stall in that bathroom. My brother brings his daughter into the female restroom,” he explains. “We don’t know which is the right way to do it or how women feel. I just don’t feel comfortable going into a women’s bathroom.”

Drewski’s brother adds that he prefers going to the women’s bathroom because it’s cleaner than the men’s. Both men ask which is the right bathroom to bring your little girl into as a father and the video has since gone viral. Lots of women have weighed in to say that they’d be absolutely fine with a dad coming into the women’s bathroom, as long as he makes himself known.

  • “Women’s restroom, just yell ‘girl dad coming in,’” one user writes.
  • Another shares, “I would prefer my husband announce himself and bring our girls into the women’s.”
  • “Ladies will accept you, just announce yourself,” comments a third. “If any ladies give you trouble, they obviously don’t have kids. Ignore them.”
  • And one man comments, “As a Girl Dad … men’s room straight to a stall … never have I ever had any issues …lol.”

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