WBBH-TV reports that Walter Rudder was driving home in Fort Myers FL around 8pm after dinner out with his wife. As he pulled into their community he noticed one of his friends Rick Fingeret lying on the grass between the sidewalk and with his 2 labs barking over him. He stopped the car and ran over to him and that's when he saw that his friend was in huge trouble as an 11 foot gator was clamped on his leg and was trying to drag him off the sidewalk down to a pond. Rick screamed run this thing over!
Walter's wife had already called 911 when they saw Rick lying on the ground. Now she started screaming as Walter drove the car up the curb and steered it just to the right of their friend. There was a massive bump, bump. and then they stopped about 40 yards away. When Walter got out he had no idea if the gator was going to be trying to attack him, still chomped down on Rick or scurrying away. Thankfully it was option 3.
Rick's wife applied a t-shirt to the wounded thigh until paramedics arrived minutes later. Fingeret was airlifted to Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, where he’s being treated and expected to survive.
Trappers called in by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission later captured the alligator and relocated it. FFWCC issued a reminder to folks who live near alligators that we are entering mating season and the gators become more aggressive and less fearful of humans. If you come across one, keep a safe distance, don’t feed or approach it and always keep your pets leashed.