Delusion Calculator Shows If You're Too Picky In Dating

Keeper, a matchmaking service, created a preference calculator to show who’s available with those traits in the dating pool. But users are calling it the “delusion calculator” because it reveals how delusional they are about finding someone who has all their preferences in a partner.

  • It uses 2022 U.S. Census data to determine how many eligible potential mates are available in the U.S. based on 14 different traits, including age, salary, height, education and more.
  • “Basically, the more traits that matter to you, the harder it is to find someone,” explains Jake Kozloski, CEO and founder of Keeper.

Some of the things the calculator reveals:

  • For someone who’s not too picky and just wants to date a man between the ages of 25 and 50 with a bachelor’s degree, 36% of men meet those standards. That’s 59-million eligible guys, but that includes the ones who are already married.
  • Someone a little more selective who wants to date a man between 25 and 35 who doesn’t smoke, isn’t married or obese, is at least six feet tall and makes at least $70-thousand a year, has a bachelor’s degree and wants kids … only gets .162% of the population - or 267,263 men - to choose from.
  • Say you want to date a woman between the ages of 25 and 35 who doesn’t smoke, isn’t obese, is at least five-feet tall, with a salary of $70-thousand minimum, has a bachelor’s degree and wants kids, you’re looking at .68% of American women to choose from, that’s 1,144,509 women.
  • These calculations don’t even include preferences for religion, physical features and drinking habits, which will limit your available options more.

Photo: innovatedcaptures / iStock / Getty Images

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