A Lot Of People Look Forward To Sleeping Alone

A lot of poems and songs describe how wonderful it is to fall asleep in the arms of the one you love.

However a new survey of 2-thousand U.S. adults who live with a partner finds: 36% of them look forward to nights when they or their partner isn’t home so they can sleep alone.

79% share a bed with their significant other, while 10% sleep in different rooms, 9% sleep separately in the same room.

These numbers vary a lot by generation, as only 2% of Gen Z sleeps in a different room than their partner, compared to 18% of baby boomers.

52% snoring partner's are the most common habit that disrupts their sleep, followed by scrolling through their phone in bed (33%), and getting up in the night to use the bathroom (33%).

People also have trouble sleeping when their partner hogs the covers (27%), tosses and turns (25%) or “starfishes” across the bed (21%).

Despite all of these annoyances, most couples say they’re not ready to consider a sleep divorce just yet.

But those that have say it’s working for them, as 42% of those who sleep apart from their partner believe it’s “rejuvenated” their relationship and 23% say it’s improved their sex life, too.

Overall, 70% of those who sleep in a separate bed than their partner believe their sleep quality has improved as a result.

But just because their significant other isn’t in the bed doesn’t mean people are sleeping alone, as 20% say their kids under six sometimes sleep in their bed and 38% share their bed with a dog or cat.

And 24% admit they’d rather sleep with their child and/or their pet than their partner.

Young romantic couple lying on bed at home

Photo: Westend61 / Westend61 / Getty Images

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