Newspaper Delivery Person Saves Elderly War Hero

Heidi Lipscomb was out delivering the Indianapolis Star newspapers in Eastern Indiana Tuesday morning. One of the homes she delivers to is 94-year-old Bill Denny.

Heidi has been delivering newspapers in this community for 25 years but she had never met Bill. Heidi says it was 2 degrees at 2 AM when she pulled into Bill's driveway. She thought it was weird that the lights were on in the house, then she noticed the garage door was open. She got out of her car to drop the paper on the porch and saw Bill lying on his back. He was awake but unable to move.

Lipscomb immediately called 911 and .put her coat on Bill. Paramedics arrived in about 5 minutes and rushed him to the hospital. Bill has frostbite on his hands, but is otherwise OK. Doctors say he would not have survived to daybreak.

Bill only remembers returning home from dinner around 7:30. They speculate he slipped and hit his head. He has no recollection of anything that happened including his rescue.

Heidi later showed up at the hospital to check on Denny, where he and his family heaped praise on her for saving his life. She told them  “All I could think was, ‘Thank God he’s alive.’ He must be one tough bird.”

They assured her that he was. Bill fought in the Korean War and worked as an engineer till he was 80. Even at 94 he drives his van to take friends to the VFW post every day to socialize. His survival is being celebrated by all who know him

Photo: philmcelhinney / iStock / Getty Images

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