Dying Alabama Teen Uses Her Wish To Help Classmates

Montgomery Alabama news 12 WFSA-TV reports 16-year-old Melody Jackson has a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Adrenocortical carcinoma, is terminal and doctors say she probably has less than a year left.

Make-A-Wish Alabama. gave Melody a wish so she could make a dream come true.

Melody loves music. She discovered she was sick while attempting to play in the band. Some thought she would use her wish to meet one of her favorite music stars. Instead she decided to give her wish to her school. Reeltown High School will receive all new uniforms for the school's marching band.

Melody also made another of her wishes come true by increasing her study load through chemo. A special graduation ceremony was held just for her as her Aunt said they are afraid she won't live long enough to make it to the official ceremony in June.

 Amanda Dickey, the foundation's outreach manager, called it one of the most unique requests they've ever received and praised Jackson's love for her community. Tracy Bennett Smith, CEO of Make-A-Wish Alabama, also commended her extraordinary generosity, saying she goes beyond her condition to think about others.

Melody says "how can you have a bigger wish than having an impact on your friends lives. They will look great at future competitions and I'm so happy to have had a hand in making that happen".

This girl may not have had as many years here as most of us get but she certainly has done more with her time than most of us do. God Bless her and her mother who is described as a single parent. Family friend Jennifer Spain has organized a Go Fund Me account to help pay for Melody's care.

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