Woman Steps In To Save Vietnam Vet From Scam

While at a local pharmacy on her day off, Kit Joseph, a staffer with the Gwinnett County, Georgia, Police Department’s Tele-Serve Unit, noticed an elderly man nervously withdrawing money from an ATM while on his cellphone. Joseph followed the man outside and soon learned he was talking to someone claiming to be a debt collector who was telling the man needed to pay some medical debt for an out-of-state relative.

Joseph’s knowledge of common scams made her immediately suspicious and the scammer hung up when he realized someone else was talking to the man. She learned that the elderly man was a decorated Vietnam War veteran and she helped him contact his bank so he could recoup some of the money he’d already lost.

The Gwinnett County Police Department later praised Joseph on social media, writing, “We are so thankful that Kit was in the right place at the right time."

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