Titans Announcer Helps His Lyft Drivers Daughter

Nashville, Tennessee, Lyft driver Marquita Stevens loves meeting people. "Sometimes a blessing is sitting beside you and you wouldn’t even know it," she says. Well that was the case when the single mom recently picked up a passenger for a 40-minute drive to the airport. The passenger happened to be Matt Rogers, the Public Address announcer for the Tennessee Titans football organization.

Stevens and Rogers got to talking during the trip and the Lyft driver brought up the pride of her life: her eight-year-old daughter Ramia. Stevens’ daughter has spina bifida, a birth defect that comes with a whole host of medical complications. Rogers has four children of his own, three of whom have a rare genetic disease that has had them in and out of the hospital, so he was immediately moved by Stevens' story and wanted to do something to help her and Ramia.

Rogers started livestreaming his ride to the airport on social media and made a call to his followers to help out Stevens. He and his wife started off the fundraising by pledging $500 and pretty soon, other donations started pouring in. By the time he returned to Nashville from his trip, his call to action had raised over $6-thousand for the Lyft driver. Stevens was deeply moved by the kind gesture and says it will go a long way to helping her and Ramia to get to a better place. She says the money will put a big dent in her outstanding debt and help her and her daughter to move into a new apartment.

You can see his video here as we couldn't embed it.

Below is the video of Matt auditioning for the job against several other folks.

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