The New Most Popular Password

May 4th is obviously "May The 4th Be With You Day" but it's also "World Password Day".

NordPass has come out with new research revealing the most used passwords in the U.S.

According to NordPass, we have a new #1 most popular password. After years at the top “123456,” has now been replaced by “guest.”

The company finds many of the usual suspects are on the list, noting that “despite growing cybersecurity awareness, old habits die hard,” as people are still using weak passwords on their accounts. In fact, the research shows that 83% of these commonly used passwords can be cracked in “less than a second.”

People tend to use cultural experiences, lifestyle trends and recent events to create their passwords. American pro sports team names, like Boston Red Sox, are also extremely popular passwords.

The Top 20 Most Common Passwords in the U.S.

  1. guest
  2. 123456
  3. password
  4. 12345
  5. a1b2c3
  6. 123456789
  7. Password1
  8. 1234
  9. abc123
  10. 12345678
  11. qwerty
  12. baseball
  13. football
  14. unknown
  15. soccer
  16. jordan23
  17. iloveyou
  18. monkey
  19. shadow
  20. g_czechout

Am I the only shocked at #20? Like how did that become a thing?

Photo: Getty Images

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