Teen Finds Wallet And Drives Several Towns To Return IT

 Delivontae Johnson popped the tire on his car while heading to church and ended up the next day at Walmart in Forrest City, Arkansas, to get it fixed. The 19-year-old college student parked and immediately noticed a wallet left in a shopping cart in the parking lot.

Johnson looked in the wallet and found 61-year-old Dee Harkrider’s driver’s license, saw that she lived a town over in Wynne, so he headed toward her house to return it.

On the way over he stopped to get something to eat and looked her up on Facebook, so he sent her a message to let her know he was returning her wallet. Dee says “I live in Wynne, but I was in Palestine. So, that young man detoured and came to Palestine and brought me my wallet”!

The two met up in a parking lot and Johnson returned the wallet. Harkrider hugged the young man and asked to take a picture with him that she then posted to Facebook. ““Anybody could have picked that up. He could have just taken it into the store, but he took it upon himself to bring it to me. I’m just overwhelmed. Thank you does not come even close to the gratitude I feel for this young man,” she writes and then adds, “Now I have a new friend! ❤️”

Delivontae said he actually parked in a pharmacy spot because he couldn't get one near the auto repair section.

“I wasn’t supposed to be parking in that spot but thank God I did. Now I've got a great new person in my liffe."

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