Can You Change Wedding Vows

A bride-to-be recently shared on Reddit’s “Am I The A-Hole” forum that she wants to swap the “in sickness” part of the vows with “in happiness,” and her reason isn’t sitting well with others, including her future husband.

“This is harsh, but I hate taking care of sick people,” she shares. “My siblings and I were always taking care of our parents whenever they get sick and I just hate it. I’m sick of it and I hate feeling bound or obligated to take care of somebody,” noting, “My life is full of moments and events like this and I just finally want to live my life to the fullest.” 

So, when it came time to discuss vows with her fiancé she says she suggested the “happiness” swap, but he wasn’t down with it. “My fiancé says that he will not accept this and he is very mad at me, he is even rethinking the whole thing,” she writes. “I just don’t want to feel obligated to take care of anybody sick for years of my own and only life, it’s so stressful and I think he is being very unreasonable right now,” adding, “It’s just a marriage vow and I have the choice to change it.”

  • Well, no surprise, most people on the Internet agree with the OP’s husband. While the bride did clarify that she’d take care of her husband if he had a cold, if it was something “chronic/severe,” she wouldn’t, but that clearly didn't help her case.
    • “You clearly don’t know what love is if you are asking this question,” one person wrote, “and furthermore, you don’t love your fiancé and should let him find someone better who will actually take care of him not only in happiness but also through the hard times.”
    • Another added, “The phrasing of vows isn’t the issue. The issue is that you only want a partner if he’s healthy and can do everything you want to do.”

Photo: Getty Images

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