What would you add to this list of October's Favorite Things?

Today is the first day of the new month, and a Reddit thread yesterday asked: "What’s your favorite thing about October?" Some of the answers included: What would you add to it?

  • Halloween
  • Being able to cover up in more clothing.
  • The woods are beautiful, the skeeters have died,
  • Bonfires
  • The anticipation of the fun holidays to come (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years)
  • Zombie movies hit differently this time of year. 
  • Sweater weather/ Hot chocolate/The smell of burning leaves
  • Playoff baseball
  • The smell. That cool air smells different
  • Oktoberfest
  • The leaves, I love watching them change colors and raking them.
  • Putting up my Halloween and Day of the Dead decorations with my kids
  • Hot Apple Cider
  • It’s officially hoodie season

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