Chatiqua Miller of Nashville had one ovary and one fallopian tube removed about 5 years ago. She was told at the time that she probably wouldn't be able to conceive or carry a baby to term because of that and she might even die if she got pregnant. Chaquita and her husband Jesse were heart broken. Yet they continued to pray for a miracle baby despite all of the risks.
Then one day her home pregnancy test confirmed that they were with child! “My heart felt as if it would beat out of my chest and I ran into the bedroom to share with [Jesse] about the good news”!
Chaquita explains that a month or so later “I began to have headaches and difficulty breathing. My Doctor placed me on complete bed rest. Then one day, I felt a fullness expand from my chest to the pit of my stomach. I could not breathe at all. My husband stated that my breathing sounded as if I was under water, and we called my doctor’s emergency phone number … she told me to go to the ER immediately.”
She was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. “I did not want to deliver my baby this small. I knew my baby could die. The tears filled my eyes and rolled down my face onto my hospital gown. They had to do an emergency caesarean. As I drifted off it was so quiet and peaceful, but I knew I was dying,” she said. “I could not move my mouth, but I prayed in my spirit to God for a miracle.”
She woke the next day and due to breathing tubes was unable to speak. She signaled that she wanted to write something. She wrote "Did our baby die"? He husband cried "No she's alive"! Then she wrote "Did I die"? They both laughed. “I spent 24 hours in between two worlds, praying for a miracle, and I received two. I received my life back, and I received my daughter’s life back.”
Chaquita had delivered a premature baby girl, weighing just 1 pound, 4 ounces. they named her Jodi Grace. Jodi means to praise God. Grace means the love and kindness of God. That was in 2019 and today Jodi Grace is completely healthy.
Chaquita submitted her story to a blog adding " I hope my story can encourage someone else to still believe when life seems impossible.