Mr. Potato Head Misterectomy? Is It Being Reversed Today?

Yesterday Hasbro announced that Mr. Potato Head would become gender neutral.

Starting in the fall, Hasbro will sell Potato Head family kits. They’ll come with two non-gendered “adult” potatoes, one “baby” potato and 42 accessories. That will let kids decide the parents’ gender, rather than being told they are “Mr.” and “Mrs.”

Hasbro Senior Vice President Kimberly Boyd said  "Hasbro is making sure all feel welcome in the Potato Head world by officially dropping the Mr. from the Mr. Potato Head brand name and logo to promote gender equality and inclusion. Culture has evolved. Kids want to be able to represent their own experiences."

The internet went wild! One viral tweet If liberals want to de-sex my potato dolls, they won’t see my business. I’ll spend my money on a Mr. Coffee machine.

Several hours later Hasbro tweeted Hold that Tot – your main spud, MR. POTATO HEAD isn’t going anywhere! While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.’ I yam proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD.

So I guess you can choose from Mr. or Mrs. or gender neutral beginning this Fall.

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