Your Peanut Butter Preference Reveals A Lot About You

There are 330 million Americans and we consume over 700 million pounds of peanut butter each year. If you write off people with peanut allergies and people too young or old to consume we're averaging about 2 pounds of peanut butter each annually! We eat more peanut butter in a year than the average British citizen eats in a lifetime! Two lifetimes in fact as they average a teaspoon a year and there's 96 teaspoons in a pound.

Since we love PB so much Jif decided to do a survey to see what they could find out about our preferences.

  • A third of respondents would say they are “extremely” passionate about their peanut butter preference.
  • 63% would rather not have peanut butter at all if it wasn’t the type they like.
  • Close to half of people would not date someone who didn’t have the same peanut butter preference as them.

And apparently a person’s peanut butter preference can reveal a lot about them.

  • For example, 63% of crunchy peanut butter fans say they are optimists, as compared to 56% of creamy fans.
    • Creamy fans also tend to be early birds (53%), and more introverted (53%).
    • Crunchy fans are likely to be night owls (56%) and extroverts (65%).

And it seems folks can be mean when it comes to peanut butter choices.

  • 47% of creamy peanut butter fans say they were teased for it during their childhood, as compared to only 28% of crunchy fans.
  • 50% of creamy fans say they were judged for their preference, while only 32% of crunchy fans say the same.
  • What’s more, 68% of creamy fans said they felt pressure to like crunchy just to fit it, something that only happened to 10% of crunchy fans. 

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