Uncle Donates Liver To Nephew And It Saves Both Of Them

Matt and Andrea Campbell were terrified when their one-year-old son, Brooks, was diagnosed with acute liver failure in 2019. The Ohio couple’s hearts sank after finding out Matt wasn’t an eligible donor for him and Andrea couldn’t do it because she was pregnant, but her brother, Grant, stepped up and volunteered to be the donor for his nephew. That organ transplant not only saved Brooks’ life, it saved his uncle’s, too.

Grant says it happened at a turbulent time in his life, after he moved away from his family to Texas, ended a relationship and had his new business fail. He was feeling worthless and depressed and was having suicidal thoughts. Then his sister called and told him about Brooks condition. He got tested and was a perfect match.

The uncle says he was struggling to find his purpose in life and after becoming Brooks’ organ donor, he felt like he’d found it. “I say all the time he saved my life,” Grant says of his nephew. They had a successful transplant on November 13th, 2019 and now Brooks is doing well and he and “Uncle G” have matching scars and they’re bonded for life.

Andrea says "It's funny how God works. I'm not saying that He gave liver failure to my son to save my brother, but I wouldn't be mad if He did. It's amazing how much better all of our lives are because of what we went through".

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