Seattle Clinic Freezer Breaks And Everyone Gets Vaccinated

The vaccination process has been going much slower than hoped. On top of the production lag there's been incompetence with the distribution. Politico reports that 20 million vaccines have been lost in America. Amongst those that haven't been lost, the pace of vaccination has been slow. In SC we have received 657,250 but only injected 418,670.

Some believe that the slow pace has been brought on by medical professionals inability to go faster. Last month in South Carolina we opened it up to certain students of an accredited medical school who have had proper training; registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and physicians who have retired, become inactive, or whose licenses have lapsed within the last five years but were in good standing and licensed dentists who have taken certain COVID-19 vaccination training programs.

In Seattle they were also complaining about the pace of vaccinations but that ended over the weekend. Nonprofit health system Swedish tweeted that it had hundreds of doses of Moderna coronavirus vaccine appointments available from 11pm Thursday to 2am Friday morning after a freezer storing over 16-hundred doses broke and the doses were at risk of expiring overnight.

But thanks to the power of social media, all of the appointments were taken shortly after that tweet. Swedish Medical Center Chief Kevin Brooks says all 1,650 doses were administered that night, even on such short notice. Clinics at Seattle University and the University of Washington helped give out vaccines in the wee hours.

“We were able to ensure that no doses went to waste,” Brooks says. “It was touching to see grandmas in wheelchairs at 2am being vaccinated.”

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