Struggling Family Thank God For Money Found In Box Of Baby Formula

Shelbey Banks of Newburgh Indiana and her husband have been living paycheck to paycheck. But the couple just experienced a random act of kindness, right when they needed it most. When she bought a box of baby formula for their seven-month-old infant, they found a neatly folded $5 bill inside.

After just spending their last paycheck entirely on rent, the surprise cash couldn’t have come at a better time for the Indiana couple. Shelbey shared the story of the random act of kindness on social media, and says she knows $5 isn't going to answer their problems but it was like God was showing them that He was going to make sure they have enough to get by. She posted that story on social media and she was blown away by how many people offered to help, with baby formula or donating money.

“It’s good to know that there are people out there that are willing to help others when they’re in need as a community,” Banks says. “I think that’s an awesome thing. I’ve had people ask what’s your Paypal or your Cashapp. And of course for all of them, I tell them I’m good - I’m able to get by until Friday when I get paid, but I appreciate it and hope that you'll give to a local charity or someone else in need".

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