Here's What Happened When A "Youtube Star" Let Murder Hornet Sting Him

Some dippydoo named Coyote Peterson desperate for views on his Youtube channel posted a video of himself ticking off a "murder hornet" and then letting it sting him. Sadly for Coyote this was filmed 2 years ago before all the "buzz" that came out the last few weeks regarding the deadly meat-eating Asian giant hornet which has recently arrived in the United States and been given the cool name "murder hornet".

Amazingly according to experts “The worst thing anyone can do with these things is kill them.That scent is going to be airborne, and the rest of the hive will come and that's quite often how humans die.

"The other thing to know is that they don’t sting you one time. They have the ability to sting you multiple times. Honeybees can only sting you once, and then they die.”

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