Mom Blogger Under Fire For Announcing An RV Trip From NYC

Naomi Davis has 468,000 followers on Instagram who love to follow her adventures with her family. Her most recent post has received some substantial push back.

After two full weeks in the apartment, we made the family decision to drive out west so we can have a little more space (namely some outdoor space for the kids) for a little while. While we’ve been diligent about self-quarantining and social distancing in New York City, we want to make sure we still stay away from others during our trip (even though no one in our family has had any symptoms, you could always be asymptomatic). For this reason, we decided to rent an RV in order to avoid hotels and people and just eat and sleep in the RV on the way. Hopefully a little change of apartment scenery will be just what we need - for everyone’s physical health, for my headspace which is spiraling lately - and for our kids’ own mental health.

“This is insane! You are potentially spreading the virus to other areas.” One commented. Another said "Are you trying to kill us all? Shelter in place is pretty easy to understand. It doesn't mean take whatever germs you have in the COVID Capital and drag them across numerous states"! A third added "Uhhhh this is doing exactly what they have asked people not to do, for the safety and health of rural areas without adequate healthcare infrastructure."

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