Good News Story Of The Day

As most of you know who listen to the show on a regular basis, I'm from Hartford CT. East Hartford to be specific. So I was especially interested to see this story on Fox News about a pizza shop in one of the towns just across the river from hometown.

Naples Pizza has been in business for 25 years and is known as an above average creator of pies. (pies is what a lot of folks up there call pizza) Being above average in pizza creations in a place like Connecticut is impressive. It's like being above average in BBQ in South Carolina. Naples isn't a Sally's or Pepe's but they're good.

Anyways Kurt Kruczek is the owner of Naples Pizza, and he began delivering free pies to his local hospital as a thank you.

He says he plans to keep feeding the doctors and nurses once a week and encourages other restaurants to do the same. Kruczek says many restaurants are struggling right now and he hopes people will support small local businesses like his to keep them going.

"So, anything that people can do – buy some gift cards, buy some food, send it to the hospitals – will keep everybody happy," he explains..

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