Teacher Says Girl Can't Make Mothers Day Card For Her Single Dad

The Mirror reports that a father in England is furious at his child’s teacher after she criticized the kids’ Mother’s Day card.

In the U.S. we'll celebrate Mothers Day on May 10th but in England it's March 22nd. The dad shares that he is the sole caretaker for his daughter “Sarah,” because the girl’s mother signed away her parental rights when the child was born. He notes that without a mom, the two have never celebrated Mother’s Day, but that all changed when Sarah started primary school.

Sarah’s teacher had the kids make Mother’s Day cards for their moms, and Sarah brought home a draft of her card that read, “Happy Mother's Day to my daddy,” which made him feel great. But when he went to pick up Sarah from school the next day he found her still hard at work on the card. According to the dad, the teacher had told her her “she couldn’t keep making a card for me as I wasn’t her mum.” She also told the dad, “if Sarah kept doing the card wrong, she’d be in trouble and that I should teach my daughter better than to write something wrong for a day dedicated to mothers.”

Well dad was livid, telling the teacher to mind her own business, and that he is both mom and dad to Sarah. He even went to the school’s headmaster to complain, and they have a meeting coming up to address the issue.

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