In a Shocking Twist Nancy Pelosi Saves Donald Trump From Being Impeached

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the impeachment of President Trump was a sad development for the nation..Perhaps that's why she hasn't sent the House's Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for a vote on his guilt. Technically President Trump isn’t actually impeached at all –and it’s BECAUSE the Articles haven’t been handed over to the Senate. Or in other words, the House hasn’t officially “informed” the Senate that the President has been impeached. That matters because as soon as the Senate is “informed,” the trial must begin a day later. While the Constitution doesn’t say how quickly the Senate is supposed to be ‘informed,’ legal experts are saying the longer the delay, the more thorny the legalities at hand.

For those who don't follow politics closely the House serves the role similar of a Grand Jury. They get to decide if the President is worthy of an indictment, or the term for politicians, an impeachment. If someone's indicted then their case goes to court so a jury can decide if they're guilty. In this instance the case hasn't been sent to the court, so the President hasn't been impeached until the case is sent to the Senate.

If Speaker Pelosi never sends it, then history will remain that only 2 President's were impeached. Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson who were both found not guilty in the Senate. For those of you asking about Richard Nixon he resigned before the impeachment vote when it became obvious to him that he would be impeached and then found guilty in the Senate. So we have never had a President removed from office.

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