We are giving away a four pack of tickets to the Outlaw's Championship Rodeo in Camden Saturday night September 28th. To win you simply have to be the 9th caller through to 803-978-9267 when we ask this trivia question and know the answer that I'm about to provide. We're going to ask the question around 7:15 AM Tuesday 9/19/19.
Question: In 2005 a federal investigation was launched because of a fortune that was found in a fortune cookie. Why?
Answer: 110 people across the nation picked the same winning Powerball number. They all said they had used the number found in their fortune cookie. The odds of hitting all 5 numbers is 1 in 11,688,054. What made it worse for lottery officials was that they all missed the Powerball. Had they hit that they would have split the grand prize 110 ways. Instead each one of these people got $500,000! Source