Mark Effron is like a lot of kids who want to be a super hero and have super powers. Except he has actually done it! The boy from Clearwater, Florida is about to turn nine and instead of asking for gifts for his birthday, he’ll give them away instead. Nine of them, one for each year of his life.
Mark has been doing acts of kindness on his birthday since he was four and has earned his super hero nickname: “kindness kid.” In the past he’s passed out gift cards at the grocery store and delivered flowers to schools and senior centers. His birthday isn’t until October 1st, but he’s got nine good deeds to do, so he’s starting early. So far he’s handed out doughnuts to law enforcement officers and left free quarters on a candy machine at the mall.
His mom uses the #MarksRandomActs updates on Facebook it has drawn fans from all over the world.
Mark explains his philosophy. “I think people should be nice to each other. When people are nice it helps the other person be nice. If we were all nice then it would be harder to become mean.