Buzzfeed asked teachers to share the biggest insults they’ve ever received from kids and some are pretty harsh…and also hilarious.
Insults teachers have gotten from students include:
- "I was talking about the Disney Princesses to one of my preschool students. I said, 'This one is Belle. She has brown hair, like me!' He replied, 'You’re not pretty like a princess, though.'”
- "A student once grabbed my face and told me I had the face of a man and the nose of a dog."
- "I was working with a student when a fly kept buzzing around me. The student looked at me and said, 'It's flying around you because it knows you're dirty!'"
- "Sixth grade student: 'Are you getting enough sleep at night?' Me: 'Uhh yes? Why?' Student: 'Because those bags under your eyes are turning into mattresses.'”
- "A child in my class came up and said, 'Can I give you a hug because you're all squishy around the middle like a teddy bear.' I had salad for dinner after that."
- "I was about 6-7 months pregnant when one of my third graders turned to me and said, 'You know, you don’t look pregnant. You just look like you’re getting fat.'"
- "I couldn't tell if I had makeup smudged under one of my eyes or not, so I asked a student to look. She examined me pretty intensely, then said, 'No, I think you're just old.'"
- "A little girl asked me (a man) if I was pregnant. I said I was pretty sure I wasn’t. She informed me there is a test I could take to find out for sure."
- "I asked a kindergartener to join the line so we could go to library, and he said, 'Why don't you lick my chicken nuggets' and pointed to his genital area."