Worst First Pitch Ever Video

A woman who is only being identified as the winner of the Chicago White Sox Employee of The Month contest, was awarded the thrill of throwing out the first pitch before their game with the Kansas City Royals last night. This is definitely one of the worst first pitches of all time. In line with 50 Cents, Barack Obama, Mariah Carey and others which can be seen here.

What takes this to the top of the list, in my opinion, is the woman's refusal to acknowledge how horrendous it really was. She has a hearty laugh while the stunned photographer is running through a mental checklist to see if everything on his head is still working. Then raises her arms in victory as she chases down the ball that has rolled half way across the infield after beaning the poor guy. Then flexes, as if to say I'm the champ. The champ of suck when it comes to throwing out first pitches isn't really something you should celebrate.

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