Woman Finds Suitcase Filled With Old Photos & Tracks Everyone Down

Dave Richards of Mukilteo Washington inherited a bunch of old stuff including a beat up suitcase from his grandmother, but never really looked inside it. He threw it in the garage and it's sat there for decades. He and his wife Carol were recently cleaning out their garage, they dusted off the old brown suitcase and opened it up to find stacks of family albums filled with old photographs some dated as far back .

Dave was ready to just close it up and throw it away but his wife thought that they should try to track down the people and return the pics.

Luckily, 90% of the photos were labeled, so they’re easier to identify. She started a private Facebook group,Memories from Helen’s Suitcase, and started inviting family members to join and now she’s reuniting the living loved ones with the old photos of generations of their family and they’re so grateful.

“That’s why I do it,” Carol explains, “not for reward, but to make other people happy.”

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