Lego Stuck In Kids Nose For 2 Years!

7-year-old Sameer Anwar is becoming famous in his homeland of New Zealand and perhaps around the world!

When he was 5 he told his parents that he had lost a Lego up his nose back then and couldn't find it, They checked and didn't see anything so they assumed he had either an incredible imagination or it had fallen out and he hadn't noticed. Either way he was breathing fine so there was no need to freak out.

Last week the boy's nose began to hurt after taking a big sniff of cupcakes. Thinking he'd sniffed up some cake crumbs, his mother helped him blow his nose, when out dropped a tiny piece of black Lego, covered in fungus. Sameer, suddenly exclaimed, "Mum, I found the Lego! You were telling me it wasn't there, but it was there!" 

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