6 year old launches booming bath business

Business is booming for Oliver “Ollie” Fequiere, the CEO Ollie's Fizzie Bath Bomb. According to his mom Daria, her six-year-old son has always been business savvy and starting the company was all his idea. When his family made bath bombs for stocking stuffers in 2017, he decided he wanted to sell some to his friends. 

A few months later, the child’s business was up and running. Ollie has taken bath bombs to the next level. Each one is handcrafted with all kinds of cool designs and vibrant colors that make bath time fun for any kid. The whole operation is a family affair. Ollie’s dad helps with graphic designs while his mom crafts the fizzies. The mini CEO does the testing, deciding, packing and videos for all of the products. 

Ollie also donates a portion of his sales to support a charity that helps girls enter the STEM fields. For more information visit Ollie’s website.

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